Circle of Betrayal by Ruth O’Neill – Book Review

Circle of Betrayal by Ruth O’Neill – Book Review

Circle of Betrayal by Ruth O'Neill

Circle of Betrayal

Author – Ruth O’Neill
Publisher – PublishNation
Pages – 200
Released – 21st June 2021
ISBN-13 – 979-8511264059
Format – ebook, paperback
Rating – 3 Stars
I received a free copy of this book.
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Lena Farnham has it all: a job she loves, a wonderful husband, a huge house, and a baby about to arrive. She’s the happiest she’s ever been, and she can’t believe how lucky she is.

Unfortunately, Lena’s luck is about to run out.

Someone is following her, and not only that – they’re leaving frightening messages, and threatening her perfect life. Even worse? Her husband Sean doesn’t believe any of it.

When the baby finally arrives, however, Lena’s follower is the least of her worries. Everything in her life is about to change, but why? What did she do to deserve this? And what isn’t Sean telling her?

Lena embarks on a journey to uncover the lies, deceit, and betrayal from the one person she loves and trusts the most… her husband.

Even the most perfect people can have dark pasts – and even darker secrets.

Review by Jade

Circle of Betrayal is a book first and foremost about marriage and relationships and how all is not always as it seems. As clearly outlined in the title of the novel, betrayal is also a theme that is woven throughout and is intrinsic to the overall storyline.

The story centres around a married couple who are imminently awaiting the arrival of their first child. All is not as it seems in what we believe is a solid relationship, ‘Sean’ the husband is hiding something from his wife ‘Lena’ and as the story develops, we slowly and at the same time as Lena come to understand exactly what Sean has been hiding amongst his web of lies and deceit.

What I really like about the book is the dual narrative as we get the point of view from both Lena and Sean with some other important characters making appearances when relevant. What makes this dual storyline interesting is that we are not always sure which character is a reliable narrator and who is embellishing their story to serve their own agenda. The author also has a very simple writing style that makes the narrative easy to follow and doesn’t overcomplicate the plot.

What I wasn’t that sure about was the plotline involving the character Ethan, I felt like it didn’t necessarily add anything to the overall narrative. I would have enjoyed the book just the same without that additional storyline. Having said that, I enjoyed Ethan as a character and felt the overall progression of his persona throughout was the strongest of all the characters.

Overall, an enjoyable psychological thriller with many twists and turns. A sign of a good thriller for me is not being able to guess what the secret is and I was kept guessing all the way to the reveal. If you are looking for a book that will shock you with lots of layers of deceit this is the one for you.

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Author Info

Ruth O’Neill grew up in the ancient Roman city of Bath in England, a beautiful peaceful city whose locations are often referred to in her first book Sunshine & Tears.

Ruth has always enjoyed helping others and is very committed to her job as a Teaching Assistant for literacy where she supports young people with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities.

Ruth has one son and two stepchildren and three delightful grandchildren. Ruth lives with her long term partner in Bristol in the south-west of England.

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