Greenwich Park by Katherine Faulkner – Book Review

Greenwich Park by Katherine Faulkner – Book Review

Greenwich Park by Katherine Faulkner

Greenwich Park

Author – Katherine Faulkner
Publisher – Raven Books
Pages – 464
Released – 15th April 2021
ISBN-13 – 978-1526626325
Format – ebook, paperback, hardcover, audio
Rating – 5 Stars
I received a free copy of this book.
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Helen has it all…

Daniel is the perfect husband.
Rory is the perfect brother.
Serena is the perfect sister-in-law.

And Rachel? Rachel is the perfect nightmare.

When Helen, finally pregnant after years of tragedy, attends her first antenatal class, she is expecting her loving architect husband to arrive soon after, along with her confident, charming brother Rory and his pregnant wife, the effortlessly beautiful Serena. What she is not expecting is Rachel.

Extroverted, brash, unsettling single mother-to-be Rachel, who just wants to be Helen’s friend. Who just wants to get know Helen and her friends and her family. Who just wants to know everything about them. Every little secret.

Masterfully plotted and utterly addictive, Greenwich Park is a dark, compelling look at motherhood, friendships, privilege and the secrets we keep to protect ourselves.

Review by Stacey

Greenwich Park is a twisty, exciting thriller from debut novelist Katherine Faulkner. The plot is told from three points of view, our main character Helen who at the beginning is 24 weeks pregnant, her sister-in-law Serena who is also pregnant, and her brother’s girlfriend and journalist Katie. We also get to read a few pages titled Greenwich Park from an unknown source.

The story begins with Helen attending her first antenatal class, alone, after those she was supposed to be going with don’t turn up. Later comer to the class Rachel latches on to Helen. Rachel is loud, rough, confident, and Helen feels a little intimidated by her, but with the other parents ignoring her the two strikes up an unlikely friendship.

That is until Rachel seems to be everywhere and Helen starts to worry that something is going on with her. She knows things Helen doesn’t remember telling her and when she visits Helen’s house items go missing. Who is Rachel and what does she want?

What a roller-coaster of a book Greenwich Park is. It is fast-paced, engrossing, and had me turning the pages at warp speed. The plot is both exhilarating and terrifying as you know from the beginning that there is something off about Rachel but you just don’t know what it is with the woman. When the truth is revealed I was shocked. For the first half I had no clue, but as the second half progressed I had my suspicions but they were close but not bang on, this I liked as I love to be shocked by the truth.

Helen is a woman who seemed to have a pretty good life, she had a huge house in a lovely area, a loving husband, Daniel. Her best friend is married to her brother Rory. Rory and Daniel are partners in an architecture firm left to them by Helen’s late father. Her younger brother Charlie seems to be getting his act together and his girlfriend Katie has become a good friend too. The only downfall in her life is that she has suffered miscarriages but this baby seems to be thriving. That is until Rachel makes an appearance and Helen’s life will never be the same again.

I’m not always a lover of books told from different points of view but the switch was done effortlessly and from the beginning of each chapter you knew whose head you were in. I did wonder how the three women’s lives would become intertwined, more than them being just friends. I was especially intrigued by Katie who was working on a rape case, I wanted to know how she fitted into it all.

If you love thrillers then this is a must-read. I read it in just two sittings as I didn’t want to put it down, it was certainly a page-turner. Everything was perfect and I can’t wait to read more from Katherine Faulkner in the future.

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Author Info

Katherine is a London-based author and journalist. She studied History at Cambridge University, graduating with a First, then completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Newspaper Journalism. Since then she has been working as an investigative reporter and latterly an editor. Her work has been published in many national papers, and she most recently worked at The Times, where she was the joint Head of News.

While working as an undercover reporter, Katherine won the Cudlipp Award for public interest journalism and was nominated for a string of others. She was also commended by a committee of MPs for ‘the highest standards of ethical investigative reporting.’

Katherine was inspired to write her debut novel about the complexity of female friendships after attending NCT classes when pregnant, and her experience of sudden intimacy with complete strangers.

She lives in Hackney, East London, where she grew up, with her husband and two daughters.

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8 Responses

  1. Megan | Bookstacks & Golden Moms says:

    I don’t read too many thriller-y books but Greenwich Park definitely has my attention grabbed. Thanks for sharing your review 🙂

  2. Nadene says:

    Ooh, I love the sound of this one. Adding it to my TBR.

  3. Thanks Megan, it doesn’t really read like a thriller for most of the book. So I think you would enjoy it.

  4. Thanks Nadene, I think you would enjoy it too. I hope you get to read it.

  5. Bianca Visagie says:

    The cover is really interesting. I’m glad you enjoyed this! Thanks for the review.

  6. Thanks Bianca, I agree the cover is really interesting for the theme. You’re welcome.

  7. Kate @ Bitch Bookshelf says:

    Greenwich Park sounds like my type of read. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Thanks Kate, good to hear that it is your kind of read.