A Day in the Life of Author Rachelle Paige – Guest Post

A Day in the Life of Author Rachelle Paige – Guest Post


Rachelle Paige lives in the Midwest, spending her days taking care of her family and her nights plotting her next story. Setting her books in some of her favorite locales provides the perfect excuse for plenty of research trips.

Catch up with her on twitter, and her website for the latest news. Post contains affiliate links.

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A Day in the Life of Author Rachelle Paige

6:30am – My alarm goes off. My kids have been up for at least an hour by now but know better than to wake me any earlier. The next couple hours is a rush of feeding my two kids breakfast, packing lunch, making coffee, and getting everyone ready and off to school.

9am – I sit down with my second cup of coffee, turn on Focus at Will, and write. My daily goal is 2,000 words (or just about a first draft chapter). I’ve learned to keep writing every day, no matter what. I’m a reformed pantser, so I loosely plot the entire novel the week before I write. I continue to tweak and elaborate on the plot as I work through the first draft.

11am – I take my beloved, and very patient, Tibetan Terrier Libby on her mile walk. Walking helps clear my head and often I’ll work out a problem in the plot. This is my nice break in the morning before picking up my pre-schooler, making lunch for us, picking up my first-grader, working through homework, playing outside.

2pm to 8pm – I’m in full mom mode, cooking dinner, cleaning the kitchen, putting away laundry, overseeing bath time and bedtime and then I’m back to writer mode.

8pm – I like to work for another couple hours or so at night. If I haven’t gotten my words in during the morning, I’ll sit and finish the chapter. I’m typically working on a few different projects in various stages. I might take this time to edit or read through notes from my editor. Often I’ll have a call with my amazing critique partner who always guides me forward and continues to help me hone my storytelling craft.

11pm – I call it a night, although sometimes the lure of Netflix (The Crown) or PBS (Poldark) is too great and I might be up for another hour.

My days are busy being a mom first and foremost. I have young children and am blessed to be home with them. Carving out time for writing, however, has become essential. The older they get, the more important it is for them to see me working hard.


Tidal Patterns
Golden Shores Book One

Author – Rachelle Paige
Publisher – CreateSpace
Pages – 180
Release Date – 12th April 2016
ISBN 13 – 9781530363421
Format – ebook, paperback

synopsis of a witch

Elizabeth Shaw is the preeminent, and only, wedding planner at the historic beach resort on an island off the Georgia coast. She’s sure she’ll land the newly created role overseeing all major events. Then she’ll get a raise and won’t be forced to leave.

Mark Edwards doesn’t need any more stress. He’s ready to slow down and enjoy the tiny seaside town he calls home. His boss pushes him to apply for the new management position and he agrees. After a decade in catering, he’s sure he can do the events job without any trouble.

Neither counted on the other getting in the way.

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