Immortals’ Requiem by Vincent Bobbe – Book Review

Immortals’ Requiem by Vincent Bobbe – Book Review

Immortals Requiem by Vincent Bobbe

Immortals’ Requiem

Author – Vincent Bobbe
Publisher – Jump Start Pub
Pages – 554
Released – 29th June 2018
ISBN-13 – 978-1527201231
Format – ebook, paperback
Reviewer – Cara
Rating – 5 Stars
I received a free copy of this book
Post contains affiliate links.


There are beings that live a shadow’s breadth from our reality…

They are the dreams and nightmares of humanity, the ancient seeds of fairy-tale and superstition. These are the Immortals, creatures of magic that should live forever… and they are fading.

When a horror two thousand years dead returns to contemporary England, creatures long thought lost to myth and legend collide in a scramble for survival that could tumble civilisation back into the dark ages of blood and death.

Immortals’ Requiem is a Tolkienesque grimdark fantasy based in both a modern day city and vast supernatural worlds. If you like the idea of a drunken elf with a shotgun, an ancient warrior with a chainsaw and a whole host of violent supernatural beings you’ll love this gritty Amazon Number 1 Bestseller.

New one review witch 2017

Immortals’ Requiem is a story that centres around five individuals whose paths intertwine as they all search for Cú Roí ‘The Miracle Child’, who has set out to seize control of their civilisation and destroy all humanity in the process.

On our journey we meet vampires, werewolves, elves, shadow like creatures and a human who has lived for over 2000 years, along with many other immortal and supernatural beings, in the fight of good vs evil.

I have read many books in my time and as most of us probably do, I tend to stick to a particular genre as I know it is a story I will more than likely enjoy. Immortals’ Requiem is a fantasy book; not something I would usually pick up but I thought I would give it a try as the blurb sounded quite interesting. I’m very glad I did.

The story was gripping from start to finish, I found myself getting so involved in the book that I nearly warned my husband to look out for any vampires that may be lurking about. The story had everything you look for in a book, I laughed, I cried and was on tenterhooks the whole time. I enjoyed and cared for the characters and hoped the bad guys got what was coming to them. The only downside to this book is that it had to end.

If you enjoyed Lord of the Rings then you will love this book, if you didn’t enjoy Lord of the Rings, I still think you should give this a try.

If you haven’t got this Immortals’ Requiem already then make it the next thing you do, I’m sure you wont be disappointed. I have read many books and this is up there as one of my favourites. I give this book a 5 out of 5 and am looking forward to any future works by this author.

Reviewed by Cara

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About the Author

Vincent Bobbe is nearly forty years old. When he was about ten, he tripped on an Edgar Rice Burroughs novel and fell into his own brain. He’s not quite managed to climb out yet, because the things that found him in there keep clawing him back in. He’s happily married with two young children and lives in Manchester, England. His wife is horrifically allergic to pretty much everything, so he doesn’t have any pets. This suits him.

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29 Responses

  1. Jo Linsdell says:

    Not my usual choice of reading material but I enjoyed your review.

  2. Natasha Mahoney says:

    I think that this is just too high fantasy for me. I really didn’t enjoy lord of the rings. (though I enjoyed The Hobbit more.

  3. Marcia says:

    New author for my fantasy collection. Loved the review 🙂

  4. I loved LOTR so I will have to give this a try! Nice review!

  5. Kaite says:

    Oooh throwing this on my TBR NOW. The blurb sounds good but if you liked it, I know I’ll love it! Thanks for the recommend!!

  6. First, that cover is creepy! I love fantasy and all things paranormal, so I’m excited about your review. I’ll definitely have to check this one out.

  7. DJ Sakata says:

    LOL – I love it when a book sucks me in like that.

  8. Sierra says:

    Sounds like a fantastic read..i will have to check it out

  9. Jennifer says:

    I will want this

  10. Julia Swoons says:

    This looks interesting!

  11. Robin Taylor says:

    Although I don’t read horror, this was a good review.

  12. Great review!

  13. I usually don’t do supernatural, vampires or werewolves but this book sounds really interesting. I’m torn!

  14. Vincent Bobbe says:

    Psssst,,,, hey Veronica…. nudge nudge… wink wink…. it’s free

  15. It’s not a book for everyone, glad you liked the review.

  16. I’ve never read LOTR, I tried The Hobbit years ago but didn’t really get on with it.

  17. Great thanks. I hope you get to read the book sometime.

  18. Great. I hope you enjoy it.

  19. Yay, great. Glad you like the sound of it.

  20. Wonderful. Thank you

  21. I know it is exciting when it does.

  22. Great, I hope you get a chance to read it.

  23. Wonderful. I hope you read it.

  24. I’d say give it a go.

  25. Great review Cara, this book looks and sounds like an amazingly fantastic book and right up my alley to boot as well, thank you so much for sharing your awesome post and for putting this book on my radar.