Interview with Author Elizabeth Holland

Elizabeth Holland

I am thrilled to have interviewed author Elizabeth Holland, who shared with us details of her writing life, her book ‘The Cornish Vintage Jewellery Shop‘, which was released on 1st June 2024, and answered a few fun questions. This post contains affiliate links.

Elizabeth Holland

Elizabeth Holland is a writer of romance novels. She enjoys the escapism of picking up a book and losing herself in a new world. Elizabeth is a keen advocate for mental health and often speaks out about her own struggles. She writes to escape her own thoughts.

When Elizabeth isn’t writing, she’s usually outside walking the dog. Her favourite walks are when it’s cold and rainy, so she can work on her next plot.

interview picture 2023


1) Where did the inspiration for your book come from?

I’m not sure where the inspiration for The Cornish Vintager Jewellery Shop came from. I took different elements and pulled them all together and the book fell into place. I’m writing the next in the series, and that was inspired by a recent trip to Cornwall. We visited Port Isaac, and it was pouring down with rain. After getting soaked, we decided to dry off in a cute café. It was warm inside, the windows were steaming up, and I ordered a pot of fresh mint tea. At this stage, I already had the spark of an idea for the book, but it was inside this café where the first chapter was created.

I was sitting at a corner table with my partner and our little dog. My partner was talking to me, but I was only half listening. My attention had floated a few tables away to a lady chatting with the woman serving drinks. She knew everyone and everything and I instantly knew this woman would slot perfectly into my book. From that moment, my fingers itched to write that first chapter.

2) How did you plan out the plot?

My first port of call when planning a new book is a Pinterest board. I like to visualise the location, the characters, and the atmosphere. The boards are kept private until close to the book’s release. You can find the board for The Cornish Vintage Jewellery Shop here Pinterest.

Once I have the visual element planned, I plot my characters. I’m not a huge plot planner, it’s usually just a few scribbled notes as to the general direction the book is headed. My first draft is often a fleshed-out plot plan and from there I keep editing until everything comes together.

3) When did you choose the title for your book?

There’s a trend in my Cornish Vintage series! The Cornish Vintage Dress Shop is the first book in the series (although they can be read as standalone or in any order), but I didn’t overthink the name. It’s simply the name of the shop in the book. From there, I knew the rest of the series would have to follow on. The book I’m writing is causing a few issues as it’s not quite a shop! You’ll have to keep an eye out to see what I decide for the title.

4) How did you come up with the names for your characters?

I plot my characters early on and have a strong image for them. Their names are one of the final elements and I base them on what suits their character. As the books have a vintage element I like to choose fitting names. The main character in The Cornish Vintage Jewellery Shop is called Belle. I wanted a pretty name that also honoured her French father.

5) How did you go about researching the content for your book?

My Cornish Vintage Series has been a joy to research. I’ve been in my element between looking at vintage clothes and jewellery. The location was the trickiest aspect, but we’ve had a couple of holidays to Cornwall to explore the area and the food. Those trips really helped to bring the description to life in The Cornish Vintage Jewellery Shop.

Outside, the sun shone brightly in the sky as eager tourists milled around with cups of takeaway coffee. Seagulls lurked at every corner, waiting to swoop down and steal flaky pasties from unsuspecting hands. The water was a hive of activity as skippers bustled around on boats, readying them for their daily outings. It was like the calm before the storm as the little harbour prepared for the daily influx of visitors.” – The Cornish Vintage Jewellery Shop Chapter One.

6) What made you choose this genre?

It’s what I love to read. Through all the ups and downs in life, romantic escapism has always been my favourite genre to read. There’s something very special about taking everyday life and seeing the beauty in it. For me, it makes the happiness in the books feel obtainable. I like to think I’ve taken all my favourite aspects of this genre and put my own spin on it. The Cornish Vintage Jewellery Shop has a deeper layer of emotion as Belle processes her grief over losing her mother as a child.

7) How long did it take you to complete your book?

It varies with each book. I have a book that I wrote six years ago that I intend to breathe life back into soon. Once I get an idea, I let it sit for a while to see if it has potential. If I decide it does, then I’ll start on the first draft. The first draft can take me a couple of months to write. I don’t plan much before I start, so at this stage, it’s me getting to know the characters and the plot. Then it’s the long journey of edits, feedback, more edits, and then everything else that goes into publishing a book.

8) Can you describe your book in three words?

Cosy. Indulgent. Immersive.

9) What’s the hardest part of being a writer?

Forcing myself to get out of my head. When writing, I’m cocooned inside my head. And that’s the fun part. The hard part is leaving that comfortable zone, and taking a step back to see whether what I’ve created is worthy of being published.

10) Why should our readers pick your book up?

They’re an escape from our everyday lives.

The Cornish Vintage Jewellery Shop brings to life the sunny harbour of Padstow-on-Sea and indulges readers in good food, good friends, and romance. That being said, there is a deeper element to this book. Belle returns to Cornwall after having left ten years ago following the death of her mother. Being back in her childhood home unearths buried memories and emotions.

The Cornish Vintage Jewellery Shop by Elizabeth Holland

The Cornish Vintage Jewellery Shop

Author – Elizabeth Holland
Pages – 365
Release Date – 1st Jun 2024
ISBN 13 – 978-1739114862
Format – ebook, paperback


The quaint Cornish harbour of Padstow-on-Sea was Belle Roux’s home until her mother’s death. Now, she’s back as an adult and ready to open The Cornish Vintage Jewellery Shop. With help from local builder, Nick Penhale, she’s refurbishing her father’s old shop. Nick is handsome and charming, but Belle isn’t looking for love.

Belle is ready to make Cornwall home again, but her return has unearthed memories she would rather have left buried. While renovating the shop, Nick and Belle become close. Belle can’t fall for him. She can’t risk losing someone else she loves.

With beautiful jewellery, heartwarming friendships, and stunning scenery, Belle should be happy, but she can’t shake the loneliness.

Can she find the strength to risk her heart, or will she forever live in the shadows of grief?

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Fun Questions

Talking Owl Interview Pic 2023

1) Do you have a writing buddy?

I do! My dog, Peanut, is always by my side when I’m writing (actually, he’s always by my side full stop!). When my characters deviate from the plot plan, poor Peanut has to listen to my grumbles. The Cornish Vintage Jewellery Shop is the first book that I’ve included a little dog and Belle’s relationship with Pearly very much mirrors mine with Peanut.

Elizabeth Holland Dog

2) Do you have any writing quirks?

I don’t have any quirks, but I usually wait for the story to flow. Some days, inspiration doesn’t hit, so I use my writing time for marketing instead. When I’m in the right headspace, the words flow so I tend not to force it on other days.

3) Where do you write?

I’ll write just about anywhere as long as I’m at home. My anxiety makes it difficult to settle when I’m out and about, so I’d be useless in a café or library. At home, I alternate between the sofa and my desk, but sometimes you’ll find me stirring dinner with one hand while using the other to frantically type out a scene I’ve just thought of.

4) Your book has been made into a movie, you’ve been offered a cameo role, what will you be doing?

I would want a small part as a customer in The Cornish Vintage Jewellery Shop. It would be amazing to wander around the little shop and admire the stunning jewels. I’d also eavesdrop on Belle’s conversations with Nick and fuss Pearl (her little terrier-like dog).

5) A talking owl has just finished reading your book, what’s the first thing he says to you?

‘What’s the flight to Cornwall like?’

Author links


A big thank you to Elizabeth Holland for sharing her writing life with us and for a wonderful interview.

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