Interview with Author Heather Manning

Heather Manning

I am thrilled to have interviewed author Heather Manning, who shared with us details of her writing life, her book ‘Stuck in Time‘, which was released on 13th May 2024, and answered a few fun questions. This post contains affiliate links.

Heather Manning

Bestselling author Heather Manning is a young lady who loves to read–and write. Her first trilogy, Ladies of the Caribbean, quickly became bestsellers. After graduating from Stephens College with a degree in Theatre Arts, she moved to Orlando, Florida where she works in the hospitality industry. In her spare time, she enjoys kayaking, hiking, and biking through all of Florida’s beautiful State Parks.

interview picture 2023


1) Where did the inspiration for your book come from?

The inspiration for Stuck in Time came from a high school field trip, actually! I was learning the history of Kansas City’s Union Station and I was absolutely mesmerized by the fact that this stunning, historical building was riddled with scars on the front from real-life bullet holes left over from a Mafia shoot-out. I instantly thought, “What if touching that piece of ignited history could send you back into the time it happened?” and Stuck in Time was born.

2) How did you plan out the plot?

I knew where I was going with the plot, but definitely did not plan it out. I like to go as I go and as my brain works, it all works out. I did leave little notes for myself in a Word document about scenes I wanted to include or major plot points so I wouldn’t forget them, but it was the majority in my head.

3) When did you choose the title for your book?

I think I actually chose the title while writing it! I initially gave it a vague name, but knew I wanted to have something to refer to it as, and I came up with the idea during the writing process. I believe my sister helped me decide on the final name.

4) How did you come up with the names for your characters?

I named my heroine Ember just because I liked the name, and her favorite color is yellow, which reminded me of fire and the word ember. I was also excited to name her vs. all of my historical characters, because she hails from modern day, so I was thrilled with the idea of a more modern, unique name.

However, Daire was named by my readers! I was looking for an Irish name, and I did a poll with my readers and his name was picked by a long shot! Which I am very happy with, because I adore his name.

5) How did you go about researching the content for your book?

Luckily, my book takes place in my hometown, only about 90 years in the past. So, I was able to do a lot of research in person, and I also was able to find a lot of photographs of the city from the time. I think I researched this more than my past series, since it was such a personal setting to me. I learned about a beautiful theme park that inspired Walt Disney to create Disneyland that existed in my city–I had never heard of it before! So, of course, I had to feature it in this book so it would not be forgotten.

6) What made you choose this genre?

I am obsessed with time travel. I normally write just clean historical romance. But I chose time travel because not only could I include the historical aspect, but I could have the history being seen from the eyes of a modern woman–something that is unrealistic in traditional historical romance. To me, it made my character and the history more relatable. Plus, this is a genre I love and I feel like there aren’t enough books out there in this genre, so I wanted to add to it.

7) How long did it take you to complete your book?

This book took me the longest out of all my now four published books. I started it in early 2018, while I was still in college, and life got in the way a little bit as I started my professional career and moved to a new city. I finished in early 2024, so I guess you could say it took me 6 years! I promise the sequel won’t take that long. 🙂

8) Can you describe your book in three words?

Adventurous, swoon-worthy, and charming

9) What’s the hardest part of being a writer?

Finding the time! I work full time as a manager in hospitality, and try to still go out and see the world and travel. That leaves me with little time to focus on my craft, but I am getting better at it and am thrilled to be back in the publishing industry.

10) Why should our readers pick your book up?

Readers should pick up Stuck in Time because it is sweet and clean, and also an exciting read that will instantly transport you into another era!

Stuck In Time by Heather Manning

Stuck in Time

Author – Heather Manning
Publisher – Manning House Publishing
Pages – 226
Release Date – 13th May 2023
ISBN 13 – 979-8990311923
Format – ebook, paperback


Ember Appleton thought she was in for a lousy afternoon when she got stood up on a blind date–little did she know she would end up in the wrong century! Focused on her love of art, Ember pays little attention to the world around her, until a freak accident sends her whirling back into Kansas City, in the year 1933. There she witnesses one of the city’s most gruesome catastrophes in history right before her eyes. However, her day gets a little brighter when she is rescued by a handsome, concerned reporter who cannot take his eyes off of her…

Daire Kelley has worked his whole life for this moment–an opportunity to capture history the moment it occurs and cement his name as a world-class reporter. That is until a bewildering woman materializes in front of him, stopping him in his tracks and catapulting him into a quandary he never capture the crime of the decade on camera or rescue the intriguing woman who is standing in the crosshairs of the biggest mobster shootout in Kansas City history.

Danger lurks in every corner of 1933 Kansas City, a city run by the powerful mafia machine. Can Ember survive the unexpected dangers of this complicated era? And will Daire be forced to set aside his lifelong dreams in order to keep them both alive? These two may be stuck in time, but could they have found each other for a reason?

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Fun Questions

Talking Owl Interview Pic 2023

1) Do you have a writing buddy?

I wish I had a pet but I do not yet at the moment! If I could, I would get an Italian Greyhound. I think they are the cutest!

2) Do you have any writing quirks?

No particular quirks, but I definitely write the most productively at a coffee house or another public setting. I try to limit distractions and keep my phone away so I can focus and produce

3) Where do you write?

Typically at a coffee shop or in my bed, but I just got a new desk that I am loving!

writing desk

4) Your book has been made into a movie, you’ve been offered a cameo role, what will you be doing?

Well, since I have a degree in Theatre Arts-Acting, I would love to play my main character, Ember! But, I would also like to just play a background actor in a nice 1930s flapper outfit outside of Union Station or in a speakeasy.

5) A talking owl has just finished reading your book, what’s the first thing he says to you?

“Where is novel number two in the Dancing Through Time series?” To which I say, coming soon!

Author links


A big thank you to Heather Manning for sharing her writing life with us and for a wonderful interview.

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