Kitty and Dragon by Meika Hashimoto – Book Review
Kitty and Dragon by Meika Hashimoto – Book Review
Kitty and Dragon
Volume One
Author – Meika Hashimoto
Illustrator – Gillian Reid
Publisher – Andrews McMeel Publishing
Pages – 104
Released – 20th October 2020
ISBN-13 – 978-1524861001
Format – hardcover
Review by – Stacey
Rating – 4 Stars
I received a free copy of this book.
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When Kitty looks for the perfect home, she makes an unlikely best friend–Dragon! From Epic! Originals, Kitty and Dragon is a lovable early reader series about finding true friendship when you least expect it.
Book 1 of this early reader series features three adorable stories about Kitty and Dragon–best friends, even when one of them is snoring, being messy, or having a sad day. Even though they are quite different from one another, Kitty and Dragon have learned that there’s nothing better than being together, just the way they are.
Kitty and Dragon is three stories in one book and this is the first volume with more planned in the future. In our first story, we meet the gorgeous Kitty as she goes wandering trying to find somewhere quiet as she gets fed up with the loud noises. The other animals she passes on her journey warn her to be careful about the silent Dragon she is nearing.
In the second story, Kitty gets a cold and Dragon gets to look after her. The third story is about Kitty and Dragon learning to live together and about being more caring towards one another as Kitty is tidy and Dragon is messy.
The book is exceptionally cute and has amazing illustrations. It is a story of friendship and what friends do for one another. The text is kept to a minimum so it would be perfect for new readers.
The book was a real joy to read and I love how each of the stories focused on one area of friendship. This would be lovely to have at home or even to be used as a class read to show the children what friendship is all about.
Book Reviewer – Stacey
Purchase online from: – – Blackwells
About the Author
MEIKA HASHIMOTO’s first baking foray was a chocolate cake. She was eight years old and, in her excitement, forgot a few key ingredients like sugar and baking powder. She also left the cake in the oven for far too long. Although it resembled a brick, her parents politely ate it and gave her very encouraging feedback.
Meika’s baking techniques have improved greatly since then. When she’s not kneading bread dough or baking cheesecakes, she can be found editing children’s books.