Let Your Lips Twitch by R.A. Clarke – Book Review

Let Your Lips Twitch by R.A. Clarke – Book Review

Let Your Lips Twitch by R.A. Clarke

Let Your Lips Twitch

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Comedy is everywhere if you allow yourself to see it—to feel it. It can be subtle or overt, dark or joyous, adorable or cheeky. Such ageless versatility is beyond compare. Curated with that in mind, author R.A. Clarke proudly presents sixteen humorous stories to the world.

Between these covers, you’ll find short fiction in several genres. Each tale is infused with unique characters and comical situations, some rooted in reality, others certainly not. Flip the page and join a jewel heist executed by bumbling thieves at a gastronomy party, meet a lowly soul gifted the fantastical chance to redo an all-consuming moment of regret, or sweat alongside a father as he realizes his daughter is growing up too fast. Turn another page and you’ll enjoy clowning around while meeting Mr. Right, then zoom in on a perfectly focused meet cute, or feel Mother Nature’s wrath as a rebellious fishing excursion goes all kinds of wrong. There is something in this collection for everyone to enjoy, including eight never-before-seen stories.

Allow yourself to be entertained and whisked away. Let humour in all its glorious forms tempt your lips to move. Don’t fight the urge. Embrace it. Go ahead and let your lips twitch.

Review by Stacey

Let Your Lips Twitch is a short story collection by author R.A. Clarke which, as the author states, has been written to give you a laugh, hence the title.

Within the book you will find sixteen different stories each written with the sole purpose of giving the reader a good giggle, from blind dating with a difference to flatulence in a horse costume, and a strange fish fairy tale, this book has a variety and whilst I can’t say that all the stories gave me a laugh I can say that they were all interesting and held my attention.

I commend the author’s attempts at making her readers happy and putting a smile on their faces. I loved that the stories were all very different and contained various forms of humour, some subtle some more in your face. The stories were also various lengths, this meant that I could dip into them whenever I had just a few minutes to spare as well as when I had longer to sit and read.

If you are looking for a book to at least make you smile as you read then this really is a lovely collection, plus, the second story ‘Shelf Help’ is definitely one for us bookworms.

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R.A. Clarke

R.A. Clarke

R.A. Clarke is a former police officer turned stay-at-home-mom living in Portage la Prairie, MB with two busy boys, a sport-aholic husband, and a couple of quirky dogs. She maintains her sanity by guzzling copious amounts of coffee and diving into fantastic worlds of her own creation.

Rachael loves fulfilling dreams and seeking new inspirations. As an artist, community theatre actor, and writer, her creativity never sleeps. She’s currently working on a little bit of a lot… which includes writing a YA fantasy novel, a sci-fi adventure novel, and writing/illustrating picture books (under the name Rachael Clarke). If you have kids, feel free to check out her children’s chapter book, The Big Ol’ Bike, just released in November, 2020.

You can follow R.A.’s writing adventures and read her multi-genre short fiction on her website.

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