Life According to Monty Dogge by M.T. Sanders – Book Review

Life According to Monty Dogge by M.T. Sanders – Book Review

Life According to Monty Dogge by M.T. Sanders

Life According to Monty Dogge

Author – M.T. Sanders
Publisher – 2QT Limited
Pages – 182
Released – 1st September 2021
ISBN-13 – 978-1914083259
Format – paperback
Rating – 5 Stars
I received a free copy of this book.
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When Monty the Newfoundland puppy arrived at his new home, it’s fair to say he immediately created a big impression. At seven weeks old, he was almost the same size as the rest of his canine family, the three Cocker Spaniels Molly, Poppy and Bailey.

For Monty’s ‘hoomans’, who were experiencing life with a giant breed for the first time, everything was about to change. In what seemed like the blink of an eye, he went from cute fluffy puppy to hormone-fuelled hooligan. Every day brought a new – and often chaotic – escapade.

Review by Stacey

I’m a big Monty Dogge fan and have read and reviewed all of the children’s books written by his ‘hooman’ owner Mark (M.T. Sanders) and so when I had the chance to find out all about the Monty early years, from Monty himself, I jumped at the chance.

In just one word this book is awesome, or as Monty might say, pawsome (sorry couldn’t resist). I can’t remember the last book that had me giggle so loud that people wanted to see what I was reading. Nor one that had me cooing over the pictures of puppy Monty (and Cookie). You get to revisit Monty’s early years from 2011 when he joined the Sander’s home at just 7 weeks old to a full-sized bear, I mean dog, in 2013.

The book is written in diary entry format, by Monty, and includes snippets of information from Mark on when happened at certain times so that the diary entries make sense. There are 15 chapters and 182 pages filled to the brim with Monty’s silly, remarkable, exasperating, and loving moments. At the back, there is a dictionary of words as this is a book from a dog’s point of view and they don’t use all the same words we do!!

There is one scene in the book that I must have told everyone about, it includes Monty getting a little excited and a teenager getting more than he bargained for when he saw Monty bounding towards him and deciding the best course of action was to run. OMG, I cried with laughter.

The book is truly amazing. It not only gives you an amazing tale of the younger years of Monty Dogge, but it also shows you how hard work dogs can be, especially ones that grow huge, but also how loving they are and how much joy they bring to those around them. The book also emphasises how caring and kind his owner Mark is and all the charitable work that he and Monty do together, including going into schools, libraries, etc to share Monty’s story and make people smile.

I do hope that there will be a continuation of Monty’s life in a sequel as I would love to read more.

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Author Info

Monty is a Newfoundland dog who enjoys nothing more than writing books poetry and blogs helped by his hoomans. I’m not a Pandacow is the first in a series of books about Monty’s adventures and has proved an instant hit. Apart from his literary skills Monty is an accomplished fundraiser for various charities and regularly visits schools and nursing homes.

M.T. Sanders is a writer, blogger and author of the children’s books.

An accidental career began after he took early retirement and began writing stories on social media about his five dogs. Life according to Monty Dogge soon attracted a huge following and led to invites to blog live from Crufts and other high-profile events.

In 2017 and 2018 Vuelio placed it in the top ten UK pet blogs and the still growing readership encouraged MT to write a book. I’m not a Pandacow was the debut children’s book released in 2017 and this has been quickly followed by six more to date.

M.T. and Monty spend the major part of their time touring schools across the country bringing the tales to life as children get to meet the star of the books.

The latest book is a real passion project for the author who is a huge supporter of conservation projects and a champion for animal welfare. It goes without saying that M.T. was delighted to receive a handwritten message of good luck from no other than Sir David Attenborough who features in the book.

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2 Responses

  1. DJ Sakata says:

    This sounds delightful and so glad you enjoyed it. I could feel your enthusiasm.

  2. Thank you DJ. It really is a delightful book.