Love Heart Lane by Christie Barlow – Book Review

Love Heart Lane by Christie Barlow – Book Review

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Love Heart Lane by Christie Barlow

Love Heart Lane
Love Heart Lane Series Book One

Author – Christie Barlow
Publisher – HarperImpulse
Released – 11th January 2019
Format – ebook
Reviewer – Stacey
Rating – 5 Stars
I received a free copy of this book
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Welcome to Love Heart Lane…

When Flick Simons returns to the small village of Heartcross she only expected to stay for a few days. The white-washed cottages of Love Heart Lane might be her home, but the place holds too many painful memories, and of one man in particular – Fergus Campbell.

When a winter storm sweeps in, the only bridge connecting the village to the main land is swept away! As the villagers pull together, Flick finds herself welcomed back by the friends she once left behind. And as the snow begins to melt, maybe there is a chance that Fergus’s heart will thaw too…

Review new 2021

Felicity Simons (Flick) left Heartcross, her hometown in Scotland eight years ago and headed to London to make something of herself leaving behind her friends and ex-boyfriend Fergus, as well as her mother and Grandmother.

When she receives the devastating news that her Grandmother has passed away, Flick is extremely upset that she hadn’t visited more often, including over the recent festive period.

Booking two weeks off work she flies to Scotland and heads home, but Heartcross is a small village with only one way in and out, over an old bridge. The snow is falling rapidly and her taxi can’t get her across the bridge so she has to walk the rest of the way.

Heartcross is a place where everyone knows everyone else and community spirit is high. There aren’t many places to hide and it doesn’t take long before Felicity and Fergus’s paths cross. He’s not happy to see her and even after she helps save his and his horse’s life, he still doesn’t want to know.

With the village rapidly becoming cut off from the rest of the world can the villagers pull together and can Fergus and Flick bury their differences and move on?

This is the first book in a new series from author Christie Barlow and what a series it is going to be in the first book is anything to go by. I may live in the North of England but I’ve never actually stepped foot across the border into Scotland, though Heartcross sounds like a delightful place, although a little too rural for me, but very picturesque with all the snow.

Flick is a wonderful character who is trying to make amends for the past and feeling guilty for not being there for her Mother and Grandmother in their time of need, especially as the family business suffered a setback and she knew nothing about it.

I was intrigued to know why she stayed away for so long and what happened between her and Fergus that even after eight years he’s less than impressed to see her.

Needing to know more and with a want to spend more time in the little villager and with the delightful people, I found myself reading the book in just one sitting.

This is a series not to be missed.

Reviewed by Stacey

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About the Author

Christie Barlow

Christie Barlow is the author of A Year in the Life of a Playground Mother, The Misadventures of a Playground Mother, Kitty’s Countryside Dream, Lizzie’s Christmas Escape, Evie’s Year of Taking Chances, The Cosy Canal Boat Dream, A Home at Honeysuckle Farm and Love Heart Lane. Her writing career came as somewhat a surprise when she decided to write a book to teach her children a valuable life lesson and show them that they are capable of achieving their dreams. The book she wrote to prove a point is now a #1 bestseller in the UK, USA & Australia.

Christie is an ambassador for @ZuriProject raising money/awareness and engaging with impoverished people in Uganda through organisations to improve their well-being as well as Literary Editor for bringing you all the latest news and reviews from the book world.

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24 Responses

  1. Emma Mane says:

    Such a wonderful review. The series sounds great.

  2. DJ Sakata says:

    I adored this one too

  3. Christina says:

    Love a good book to read in one sitting because you can’t step away – wonderful review!

  4. Floryie says:

    I didn’t realise you guys liked this genre because I always seem to catch a thriller on the blog. Great review!

  5. Stormi says:

    Heartcross sounds like a Hallmark type town. Excellent review!

  6. This looks so cute! Great review!

  7. This sounds really good.

  8. vidya says:

    adore the cover and sounds like something i will enjoy..great review

  9. Melissa's fandom world says:

    great review and this looks like something I’d enjoy. thanks for sharing!

  10. Melanie says:

    Great review as always!

  11. Tasha says:

    Great review. I want it!

  12. Great review Stacey, this book looks and sounds like a heartwarming and fun book I’m glad you fully enjoyed reading this book. Thank you so much for sharing your awesome post.

  13. Thank you. I’m glad that you like it.

  14. It’s just a gorgeous book isn’t it.

  15. Thank you. They are the types of book that are the best.

  16. Yes, we love lots of genres. Just that we had a run of thrillers.

  17. It certainly does.

  18. It really does. Thank you.

  19. I know it looks gorgeous doesn’t it. Thank you.

  20. Than you. I hope you get to read it.

  21. Thank you. I hope you enjoy it too.