Money Mum Official by Gemma Bird – Book Review

Money Mum Official by Gemma Bird – Book Review

Money Mum Official by Gemma Bird

Money Mum Official
Save Yourself Happy

I received a free copy of this book.
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If you’re feeling the pinch after Christmas and worried about the rising cost of living then INSTAGRAM SENSATION MONEY MUM is here to help you SAVE THOUSANDS WITHOUT EVEN NOTICING.

Money Mum, here, coming to you, as always, with another money tip! You don’t have to be wealthy or earn a huge salary to achieve all the things you want in life – and I’m here to show you how. Just by spending a little less on everyday small costs or being savvy with your choices, you will naturally have a little more for the finer things in life. My exciting new book will show you everything you need to know to save money and be truly happy forever.

When you’re trying to manage a busy family, it’s easy to lose sight of the things that really matter and feel like you’re drowning in worries while the pennies are drowning away.

So many of us feel we have to pretend to be wealthier than we are and try to hide it when we can’t afford something. Why though, when we are all sharing what we had for our tea and how many press ups we did that morning on social media, can’t we be more honest about our finances? Why is there still so much shame and secrecy about being a bit strapped for cash, or in debt?

I feel really strongly that it has got to change, and I’m here to get you through it..

I want to empower women and girls to take responsibility for their own financial futures. To have those difficult conversations and do the uncomfortable maths, because believe me one day you will be so glad you did.

From starting small and making little changes to your everyday habits, through building a second income into your lifestyle, to going for the big goals in your life that you might think are out of your reach – this book will help you reboot your finances one money tip at a time.

Because money isn’t a secret recipe that only rich people know, it’s a mindset and an attitude that anyone can have. And Money Mum is here, as always, to show you how.

Review by Stacey

Money Mum Official: Save Yourself Happy: Your Ultimate Money Tips Guide is brought to you by Instagrammer Gemma Bird. I’ll be completely honest with you, I’d never heard of her or her Money Mum channel until I was asked if I wanted a copy of the book. Fair play to someone trying to help others with their finances and for putting all her knowledge into one place with her book.

For me personally, there wasn’t anything in the book I didn’t already know, but then I am conscious of my spending. I watch the Martin Lewis show and visit his website and I am also not that young anymore and have been looking after my family’s finances for many years – I left my parent’s home and ventured into the world 27 years ago.

I feel this is more for the younger generation who may be starting out in life and need a bit of guidance, although quite a lot of the book is common sense. It is split into sections and is really easy to follow and comprehend. A lot of the suggestions and tips can be followed by everyone.

Yes, a lot of the information can be found online. But this is a handy book that you can flick through, find sections you want, go back over some tips, etc, rather than having to surf website after website. A good start for people just starting to get to grips with their Finances.

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Gemma Bird

Gemma Bird AKA Money Mum is a hard-working mother of two from Essex. After years of working multiple jobs at once, from picking mushrooms to working as an estate agent, Gemma never earned more than £25k a year and yet managed to pay off her £225k mortgage. To achieve this, Gemma had to come up with some careful and creative methods of saving every penny and consequently the thought occurred to her that others may be interested in this too…

Gemma then launched @MoneyMumofficial on Instagram to help others save cash. She now regularly shares money-saving tips and promotes her ‘No Spend Day’ and ‘Make Money Day’ to her whopping 218k loyal followers. As her platform has continued to grow, brands like Amazon, Pampers, Tescos, and McDonalds have reached out to partner with her.


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