Whispering Stories Blog

Feature Image - Jackie Ladbury

The Next Chapter with Jackie Ladbury

Jackie Ladbury Today we welcome back author Jackie Ladbury to Whispering Stories Blog to catch up on what she has been doing since our interview with her back in January 2018 on ‘The Writing Life of: Jackie Ladbury‘....

Akea Feature Image

Akea Series by Elizabeth Jade – Promo Post

Akea Series by Elizabeth Jade – Promo Post Sponsored Post. Today we welcome author Elizabeth Jade to Whispering Stories with her Promotional Post for her Akea Series, including ‘Akea. The Power of Destiny‘ and ‘Akea. His Mother’s Son‘....

Feature Image - Dark Hollows by Steve Frech

Dark Hollows by Steve Frech – Book Review

Dark Hollows by Steve Frech – Book Review Dark Hollows Author – Steve Frech Publisher – HQ Digital Pages – 384 Released – 6th December 2019 ISBN-13 – 978-0008372170 Format – ebook, paperback, audio Review by – Stacey...

Feature Image - Ru Pringle profile pic 1

The Writing Life of: Ru Pringle

Ru Pringle This week I am thrilled to be interviewing author Ru Pringle. Ru will be sharing with us details of his writing life, telling us all about his latest book ‘October Song‘, which was released on 3rd...

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Radical Tea Towel – Product Review

Radical Tea Towel – Product Review Sponsored Post – I recently spoke to the good people at Radical Tea Towel and checked out their amazing site, if you haven’t heard of them before either click the link below...