Whispering Stories Blog

Feature Image - The Tall Man by Phoebe Locke

The Tall Man by Phoebe Locke – Book Review

The Tall Man by Phoebe Locke – Book Review The Tall Man Author – Phoebe Locke Publisher – Wildfire Pages – 368 Released – 7th June 2018 ISBN-13 – 978-1472249258 Format – ebook, paperback, hardcover, audio Reviewer –...

Feature Image - wrong story by Jame Ellis

The Wrong Story by James Ellis – Book Review

The Wrong Story by James Ellis – Book Review The Wrong Story Author – James Ellis Publisher – Unbound Digital Pages – 240 Released – 17th March 2017 ISBN-13 – 978-1911586111 Format – ebook, paperback Reviewer – Stacey...

Girl Fighter by Cyan Night – Guest Post

Girl Fighter by Cyan Night – Guest Post Today on the blog we welcome author Cyan Night, with her guest post ‘Solitary Me‘ as part of the blog tour for her latest book, ‘Girl Fighter’ which was released...