Rabbit on the Rampage by Lorna Watson – Book Review

Rabbit on the Rampage by Lorna Watson – Book Review

Rabbit on the Rampage by Lorna Watson

Rabbit on the Rampage

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Rabbit has a special curly carrot which she loves very much. So, when her beloved carrot goes missing … well, Rabbit is VERY upset and soon finds herself on a rampage, bursting into rooms and accusing her innocent friends – Mouse, Hedgehog and Badger – of vegetable THEFT.

Will Rabbit’s friends forgive her rampage? And have YOU seen curly carrot?

Review by Stacey

Rabbit on the Rampage is a young children’s picture book about a rabbit that isn’t happy as she has lost her curly carrot and thinks someone has taken it.

The story portrays the rabbit as not being very nice. She rudely goes up to other animals and without any evidence accuses each of them of stealing her carrot and is then very nasty to each of them.

The book does have the rabbit seeing the error of her ways so it does show her having to say sorry, etc. For me, the book can be taken two ways you can either see it as a story that will make children think it is okay to be rude, or, as a teaching moment to make children stop, think, and definitely not accuse people of stealing without evidence.

The illustrations are full-page, brightly coloured, and really pop off the page. They are also very amusing to look at.

Overall, I found the book to be enjoyable and silly. I hope children see it as what not to do and don’t copy the rabbit’s behaviour.

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