Spellstone by Ross Montgomery – Book Review

Spellstone by Ross Montgomery – Book Review

Spellstone by Ross Montgomery


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The greatest magic is hidden in plain sight…

Evie is used to not being noticed. But when she meets the mysterious Wainwright, she discovers that going unnoticed might just be what makes her unique. Recruited into a secret magical organization, Evie finds herself at the heart of an ancient and magical battle. Evil is returning to the land, and Evie is the only person who can stop it. But how can she defeat the most dangerous magician in the world, when she doesn’t even know her own powers?

Review by Stacey

Twelve-year-old Evie has had the strangest dream. She was performing magic in a theatre where everyone was asleep except for the five people (well people and a cat) who were at the front, oh and it was raining indoors. This wasn’t the only strange thing to happen to her though. It would seem that no one notices her anymore. People walk into her, teachers don’t notice her, and even her parents forget about the things she tells them.

One day whilst returning home from school she is injured by a cyclist and given help by a man sitting on a bench, however, this isn’t any ordinary man, this is one of the people from her dream. What’s more, he is being hunted and needs her to keep something safe and tells her that Alinora will find her.

This is the start of a great and frightening adventure into the world of magic and good vs evil for Evie.

Author Ross Montgomery sure knows how to create an engaging, adventurous middle-grade story that children will adore. Spellstone is a truly amazing book and one that the reader will rush through given that so much occurs on each page.

The characters are likeable, well most of them, and the foreboding that fills the air as the possibility of the Earth being sent back to the dark ages makes this book a page-turner.

Overall, Spellstone is a fabulous book that is exciting and a real treat. I can see it becoming a firm favourite with its readers.

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Ross Montgomery

Ross Montgomery

Ross Montgomery has worked as a pig farmer, a postman and a primary school teacher, so writing books was the next logical step. He spent his childhood reading everything he could get his hands on, from Jacqueline Wilson to Beano annuals, and it taught him pretty much everything that’s worth knowing.

If you looked through his pockets you’d find empty crisp packets, lists of things to do, and a bottle of that stuff you put on your nails to stop you biting them. He lives in London with his girlfriend, a cat called Fun Bobby, and a cactus on every available surface.

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