Tagged: Books

sheryl Browne

The Writing Life of: Sheryl Browne

Sheryl Browne This week on ‘The Writing Life of:‘ I am thrilled to be interviewing author Sheryl Browne. Sheryl will be sharing with us detail of her writing life, telling us all about her latest book ‘The Rest...

Feature Image - Three Shires Publishing

Three Shires Publishing – Guest Post

Three Shires Publishing – Guest Post My good friend Mary, or Georgia Rose, author, as you most likely know her has started up her own ‘self-publishing Workshop’. The workshop aims to help writers get their books published and...

Iva Kenaz - Feature Image

The Writing Life of: Iva Kenaz

Iva Kenaz This week on ‘The Writing Life of:‘ I am thrilled to be interviewing author Iva Kenaz. Iva will be sharing with us detail of her writing life, telling us all about her latest book ‘The Goddess...