Tagged: Life

Feature Image - Dorinda Balchin

The Writing Life of: Dorinda Balchin

Dorinda Balchin This week on ‘The Writing Life of:‘ I am thrilled to be interviewing author Dorinda Balchin. Dorinda will be sharing with us details of her writing life, telling us all about her latest book ‘The Cavalier...

Feature Image - Eileen Doyon

Unforgettable Faces and Stories by Eileen Doyon

Unforgettable Faces and Stories! by Eileen Doyon Life is a Journey… come along with us for the ride Starting Over……beginning again………the next theme in my book series, Unforgettable Faces and Stories! No one really likes starting over, facing...

Feature Image - Nick Bryan

The Writing Life of: Nick Bryan

Nick Bryan This week on ‘The Writing Life of:‘ I am thrilled to be interviewing author Nick Bryan. Nick will be sharing with us details of his writing life, telling us all about his latest book ‘Blood Will...

Feature Image - Ravinder Randhawa

The Writing Life of: Ravinder Randhawa

Ravinder Randhawa This week on ‘The Writing Life of:‘ I am thrilled to be interviewing author Ravinder Randhawa. Ravinder will be sharing with us detail about her writing life, telling us all about her latest book ‘The Coral...

Feature Image - Caimh McDonnell 2

The Writing Life of: Caimh McDonnell

Caimh McDonnell This week on ‘The Writing Life of:‘ I am thrilled to be interviewing author Caimh McDonnell. Caimh will be sharing with us details of his writing life, telling us all about his latest book ‘The Day...

Feature Image - Tom Williams

The Writing Life of: Tom Williams

Tom Williams This week on ‘The Writing Life of:‘ I am thrilled to be interviewing author Tom Williams. Tom will be sharing with us details of his writing life, telling us all about his book ‘Burke in the...