Tagged: Series

Feature Image - Code Revelation promo post

Code: Revelation by Boris Sanders – Promo Post

Code: Revelation by Boris Sanders – Promo Post & Giveaway Today we welcome author Boris Sanders to Whispering Stories with his Promotional Post for his new book ‘Code: Revelation‘, which was released on 20th February 2019. Make sure...

Feature Image - John Simes

The Writing Life of: John Simes

John Simes This week I am thrilled to be interviewing author John Simes. John will be sharing with us detail of his writing life, telling us all about his latest book ‘A Game of Chess‘, which was released...

Feature Image - Blackthorn Series

The Blackthorn Series by Lindsay J. Pryor

The Blackthorn Series by Lindsay J. Pryor Today we have a special book promotion for you. Publishers Bookouture have published their 500th book, ‘Blood Broken‘ by Lindsay J. Pryor, the 8th book in her Blackthorn Series. What makes...