Tail and Trouble by Victor Catano – Book Review

Tail and Trouble by Victor Catano – Book Review

Tail and Trouble by Victor Cantano

Tail and Trouble

Author – Victor Catano
Publisher – Red Adept Publishing
Pages – 238
Release Date – 10th May 2016
ISBN-13 – 978-1940215686
Format – ebook, paperback, audio
Reviewer – Stacey
I received a free copy of this book
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synopsis of a witch Tail and Trouble

When Gabriel’s witch girlfriend doesn’t return from her latest trip, he gets on the road and heads out to find her. Sheila’s coven is secretive and distrustful of Gabriel, so the only help he has is Sheila’s familiar, a bulldog named Orson, who is psychically linked to both of them.

In Florida, they walk right into an elaborate plan to steal Orson. A mysterious wizard named Yareth is behind the plot, and he may also know where Sheila is.

Gabriel and Orson will have to fight for their lives as they navigate around all the magical roadblocks to force Yareth’s hand. They won’t give up until Sheila is safe.

Review of a witch

Witch Sheila, has travelled down to Florida on Coven business. When she doesn’t return and they can’t get hold of her, Gabriel, her boyfriend, and Orson, her psychic talking-dog, set off on a road trip from New York to search for her.

Whilst trying to locate Sheila, with minimum outside help, especially from her Coven, Gabriel and Orson also have another problem. A mysterious brute wizard named Yareth wants Orson, and he and his henchmen are determined to get him. Yareth may also know where Sheila is, but he’s not telling.

Travel with the duo on this never-ending, funny road trip. I mean, what could be funnier than a dog who should try stand-up?

This is a fantastic, fantasy novel with a twist. It is hilarious throughout, so much so, that at times you will find yourself giggling out loud. The banter that Gabriel and Orson have going is the main culprit for the comedic effect.

The characters are well thought-out, the setting is beautiful – well, who doesn’t like sunny Florida, and the plot is superb.

From the opening chapters to the final one, this book kept me hooked to its pages. We don’t actually find out what has happened to Sheila until near the end, so the mystery of her disappearance keeps us guessing for nearly the full length of the book.

Tail and Trouble is a fun, exciting, engaging, mysterious read.

Book Reviewed by Stacey

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About the author of a witch

Victor Cantano

Victor Catano lives in New York City with his wonderful wife, Kim. When not writing, he works in live theater as a stage manager, light designer, and technical director, working mainly with dance companies.

His hobbies include coffee, Broadway musicals, and complaining about the NY Mets and Philadelphia Eagles.

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2 Responses

  1. Victor Catano says:

    Thanks for the kind words! Glad you enjoyed it! I’m finishing up the sequel as we speak.

  2. That is brilliant to hear. I can’t wait to read it.