That’s Coola, Tallulah! by Cheryl Chase – Book Review

That’s Coola, Tallulah! by Cheryl Chase – Book Review

Thats Coola, Tallulah! by Cheryl Chase

That’s Coola, Tallulah!

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Ever wonder what your favorite lovey would do if you let them be in charge of playtime? Imagine being the fairiest of fairy princesses, the unicorniest unicorns, or tea party hostesses with the mostesses. Seeing is believing in this carefree romp of freedom and fun, featuring Stella Bella and her lively doll, Tallulah.

They are inseparable playmates who get into all sorts of mischief. In the middle of the pair’s high jinks, though, Stella Bella’s conscience always leads her the right way-until its tea time and the cookie jar gets broken. When Mommy discovers the mess, uh oh, the two are separated. Will Stella Bella and Tallulah ever be able to play together again?

Review by Stacey

There once was a little girl called Stella Bella whose favourite friend was her dolly, Tallulah. One rainy afternoon the pair had to make their own fun inside so they came up with some ideas but after carrying them out they realised that Stella’s mum wouldn’t be too happy about them, so they cleaned them up. That was until one of the ideas couldn’t be clean because they had smashed it.

This young children’s book is a quick read at just 40 pages and contains some amazing full-page illustrations. The first thing I noticed was how American it is. Now, this isn’t a bad thing by any means, it is just some of the wording children who are not American might not fully understand and you may have to explain them to the young reader.

To me, the meaning behind the book is to make children understand that not everything that they think will be fun to do is actually the right thing to do and to think first, rather than like Stella who had to clean up after herself. Will little children take this message in, maybe, doing things wrong and realising their mistakes is how children learn. However, hopefully by seeing Stella’s mistakes, they might not have to find out drawing on the walls of their home is wrong!!

I’m sure little children will find That’s Coola, Tallulah! a lot of fun and will be laughing at the things Stella and her Dolly get up to. It has been written amusingly and it was lovely to see a little girl having fun with her Dolly and using her imagination to find things to do rather than rely on technology.

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Cheryl Chase

Cheryl Chase has been known throughout the world for being the award-winning voice of the break out character, Angelica Pickles of the globally popular animated show Rugrats on Nickelodeon and has received countless fan mail from Paris, Texas to Paris, France. Cheryl enjoyed meeting the legions of Rugrat fans throughout the years, but she has the fondest memories from all the numerous children’s charity events she was privileged to take part in.

Cheryl lives in Los Angeles and is a bunny mom to her little rabbit Sophie. She sang in a 20’s Jazz Orchestra, made appearances on TV and Film, and participated in a fire walk. She does her best writing on seaside retreats at the Hotel Del Coronado or in her home office overlooking her English garden. Cheryl has a degree in Child Development and Family Relationships. Cheryl taught primary classes to three and four-year-olds who loved to listen to her whimsical stories. Now, children and parents everywhere can enjoy her debut children’s picture book, That’s Coola, Tallulah!


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