The Adventures of Dagobert Trostler by Balduin Groller – Book Review

The Adventures of Dagobert Trostler by Balduin Groller – Book Review

The Advertures of Dagobert Trostler

The Adventures of Dagobert Trostler

Author – Balduin Groller
Publisher – Kazabo Publishing
Pages – 209
Released – 22nd January 2018
ISBN-13 – 978-1948104050
Format – ebook, paperback
Review by – Jenna
Rating – 4 Stars
I received a free copy of this book.
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Dagobert Trostler is the Sherlock Holmes of Vienna . . . with a twist. Like Holmes, he’s the most famous private investigator in Vienna. Unlike Holmes, he’s a bit of a party animal. While he loves a good mystery, he also loves good food, good company and a good time. He’s a bon-vivant and right at home in the brilliant social scene of Vienna in the heyday of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

These stories, written by Balduin Groller and published in Vienna between 1889 and 1910, are a glimpse into the sparkling, forgotten world of turn-of-the-century Vienna. Hugely popular in the German-speaking world, they are now available in English for the first time exclusively from Kazabo Publishing. If you love Sherlock Holmes, you need to read these stories!

The Adventures of Dagobert Trostler is the first in a series. Watch for The Memoirs of Dagobert Trostler and The Casebook of Dagobert Trostler, coming soon!

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Dagobert, what a smart fellow you are! Dagobert Trostler is a wealthy, retired gentleman with a lot of time on his hands. He has an odd hobby of being an amateur sleuth. He also sings, writes songs, but his detective work is his true passion. Dagobert pretends to be humble about his cases, but he’s not modest at all and that makes things all the more fun. He can go ahead and brag, he’s very skilled.

The Adventures of Dagobert Trostler has been translated into English for the first time by Kazabo Publishing. When you pick up this book, be sure to read the introduction it tells us so much about the title’s origins and the sad loss of other literature due to the first world war.

Dagobert is a man about town. His friends laugh at him and his detective efforts – but they also seek him out to ‘handle’ some unpleasant situations: unwanted letters, threats to a business, and looming social scandals. Trostler takes care of everything under a vow of secrecy. As the introduction says, vile gossip or a loss of standing in the community must be avoided!

Each section is a continuation of Dagobert’s adventures. They flow nicely together. He loves to sit with his close friends and tell them how he solved each scandal. He is like Sherlock Holmes in that he can take in a scene for only a minute, then come up with many clues.

If these adventures would have been published as a serial in local papers, I can see many readers anxiously waiting for the next installment. Trostler made me smile. This a fun, classic mystery title. I encourage you to give it a try.

Book Reviewer – Jenna

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About the Author

Balduin Groller, born Adalbert Goldscheider in what is now Arad, Romania, in 1848, was one of pre-war Vienna’s most successful and popular journalists. Familiar with Viennese high society, he was also the founder of what became the Austrian Olympic Committee.

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6 Responses

  1. Entertainingly Nerdy says:

    This sounds really good! I always really enjoy a good mystery!

  2. DJ Sakata says:

    Sounds fun but what an awful name to be saddled with 😉

  3. Nadene says:

    Sounds adventurous. Glad you enjoyed it.

  4. Stormi says:

    This one is new to me!

  5. Kate @ Bitch Bookshelf says:

    I have never heard of this title! Thank you for introducing me to a new classic.

  6. Jenna says:

    Thanks for reading my review. It was fun. A light read between heavier titles. Dagobert (yes, unfortunate name) is a happy guy, jovial. I liked him a lot.