The Landlord of Hummingbird House by Jane Harvey – Promo Post

The Landlord of Hummingbird House by Jane Harvey – Promo Post

AD – Today on the blog we welcome author Jane Harvey, with her Promotional Post for her new book ‘The Landlord of Hummingbird House: First Impressions and Second Chances‘, which will be released on 31st August 2021.

The Landlord of Hummingbird House by Jane Harvey

The Landlord of Hummingbird House
First Impressions and Second Chances

Author – Jane Harvey
Pages – 158
Release Date – 31st August 2021
ISBN 13 – 978-1919602332
Format – ebook, paperback


April needs somewhere to live, and peace and quiet to heal her wounds. The tenants of Hummingbird House have other ideas.

When April moves into Hummingbird House, she is intrigued by her mysterious landlord, Dai.

With a bruised heart and a distinct lack of furniture, she spends the summer getting to know the other occupants. As she smartens up her home and makes peace with her recent past, she befriends Paul, a solitary ex-chef, and Betty, an elderly lady who lives in the basement flat.

But Hummingbird House holds many secrets, and the relationships of the tenants are not as straightforward as they seem. April learns some shocking truths one eventful night, and realises that victims and villains can look the same.

The Landlord of Hummingbird House is a contemporary novel exploring unlikely friendships, unexpected love interests, and family relationships. Here, everyone is in need of a second chance – and appearances can be deceptive.

What Reviewers’ are Saying

“An honest and heartfelt novel of personal connection, layer by layer. Jane Harvey’s The Landlord of Hummingbird House is cosy and warm while addressing real discomforts, regrets, and traumas. From heartbreakingly empathetic characters to descriptive settings, this novel will tingle your senses and stir up your sympathy.” Independent Book Review

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Author Info

Jane Harvey

Jane Harvey: Easy Reads with Strong Female Leads

Jane Harvey is a pen name. ‘Jane’ crafts fun fiction for the thinking woman (or person!), where she enjoys exploring unexpected friendships and writing happy endings. This is lucky, because in real life her (prize-winning) fiction is a little bleaker.

She was born and raised on the island of Jersey, and lives with two males and a dog.

You can sign up to her newsletter via this link.

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4 Responses

  1. From the title, I was expecting a children’s book, but this sounds delightful to me

  2. Nadene says:

    Sounds emotional

  3. Thank you DJ, It really does sound delightful doesn’t it?

  4. Thank you Nadene, I can see what you mean and agree.