The System and Purple by Rijan Maharjan – Book Review

The System and Purple by Rijan Maharjan – Book Review

The System and the Purple by Rijan Maharjan

The System and Purple

Author – Rijan Maharjan
Pages – 21
Released – 18th November 2020
Format – ebook
Rating – 4 Stars
I received a free copy of this book.
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We are all living in a system. A system that nobody can change in this modern world. Things that have forced us to live in the system rather than living our life or is ‘the system’, the new normal?

Then we have a purple. Well everyone is a purple here in the beauty of bright colors. Or is it the odd? What are odds? Odds are something that we have created on our own which should be normal like it deserves.

The system and purple’ – a short poetry book.

Review by Stacey

The System and Purple isn’t my normal kind of read as I’m not a massive poetry lover. I can appreciate the art and the thought that goes into writing poetry.

The book is split into two sections and as you may have guessed from the title we have ‘System’ in which there are three poems all called the same – System 1, 2, and 3. The ‘Purple’ is a collection of eleven poems, with just one, the final poem being called Purple.

In the system, the poems are all about the society and the world in which we currently live and how people may think they are free but the ‘system’ is always there, dictating how we live, what we see, or don’t see. What we hear or don’t hear.

In the second section, the poems are more about life in general. They are more personal. I particularly liked the poem called ‘Garden’ in which the author uses a garden as a metaphor for life such as some flowers being picked early whilst others bloom until the very end.

The book is short at just 21 pages. It took me a matter of minutes to read through it. I suppose that if you are a poetry lover you will want to take your time reading them, to absorb the author’s work and so will take longer to read the book.

I like how the author thinks and feels about the world and how he views it. He certainly feels passionate about the way the world works and the powers that be.

A nice, quick read that wasn’t too complex and had a decent amount of poems within.

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8 Responses

  1. Jo Linsdell says:

    I would probably have passed over the cover of The System and Purple if I saw it on the shelves (digital or otherwise) but your review has me wanting to give it a try. I’ve been wanting to read more poetry. As it’s such a short read it doesn’t require much commitment too which is a bonus.

  2. Nadene says:

    Poetry is something I have to be in the mood for to read. The System and Purple sounds inspiring.

  3. Tasha says:

    The System and Purple is a very unusual title and I admit that I had absolutely not idea what to expect. Great review. I am not a poetry lover myself but I can see people that enjoy this medium enjoying this.

  4. I’m not much of a poetry lover either but there was something very enjoyable about The System and the Purple. It made sense to me.

  5. Good to hear that you think The System and the Purple Sounds inspiring. It is a fab collection of poems.

  6. I totally agree that the title sounds unusual. The System and the Purple is an intriguing collection of poems.

  7. Robin Loves Reading says:

    I am determined to read at least one poetry book every once in a while. It’s a difficult genre for me to want to read.

  8. Poetry isn’t something that I particularly enjoy because a lot of it goes over my head and I don’t get some of the similes, etc. Not because poems are bad, I think poets are amazing and have a wonderful imagination.