Tib Street Ballroom by Keira Willis – Book Review

Tib Street Ballroom by Keira Willis – Book Review

Tib Street Ballroom by Keira Willis

Tib Street Ballroom

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How do you solve an unsolvable murder? Ask the victim…

In January 1986, newly-engaged Marnie Driscoll is found dead in her parents’ kitchen. With no witnesses, it seems as though the circumstances of her death will remain a mystery. Six months later, high-flying Detective Inspector Andrew Joyce’s career takes an unexpected detour when he finds himself unwillingly transferred to an obscure department within Greater Manchester Police, known as the Ballroom.

The Ballroom team employs unorthodox methods to crack previously unsolved cases, and Joyce, a sceptic by nature, must find a way to work with Peggy Swan, a reclusive ex-socialite with a unique talent: she can communicate with the dead. Joyce soon discovers that Marnie’s death, initially dismissed as an opportunistic act of violence, actually seems to be a carefully orchestrated murder.

It will take both Joyce’s skill as an investigator and Peggy’s connection to her new ghostly charge to navigate the web of secrets surrounding the case and bring closure to Marnie’s tragic story before the killer can strike again.

Review by Stacey

Tib Street Ballroom is an intriguing and captivating murder mystery novel set in Manchester, UK in 1986. Six months ago Marnie Driscoll was murdered in her parents’ kitchen just before she was due to head out for the night. With no leads or suspects her case went cold before being transferred to ‘The Ballroom’.

The Ballroom, located on Tib Street in Manchester city centre is a unique police department that employs unconventional methods to solve crimes that have stumped other investigators. Detective Inspector Andrew Joyce, a sceptic, is newly assigned to The Ballroom and is initially taken aback by their unorthodox techniques, often vocally expressing his disapproval.

Tib Street Ballroom is a fascinating book that blends crime fiction with the paranormal, offering a refreshing take on the murder mystery genre. The cast of characters both alive and deceased are relatable and the vivid descriptions of 1980’s Manchester added a nostalgic touch, especially for those who remember Manchester during that era, like myself.

The narrative flowed well which keeps the reader engaged throughout. My only minor critique, and it is a personal one, is that some chapters felt excessively long, which slowed the pacing of an otherwise gripping plot.

Overall, the concept of ghosts aiding in the resolution of their murders is both innovative and enthralling. DI Joyce’s scepticism mirrors what many readers might feel about others stating they are communicating with the dead making his character particularly relatable, although not very likeable. Is great to see this is the first in a series too. I now can’t wait for the next book.

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Keira Willis

Keira Willis

Keira Willis was born in Manchester in 1986, and grew up irresistibly drawn to mystery novels and ghost stories. These childhood fascinations have now blossomed into her captivating debut, ‘Tib Street Ballroom’.

With a belief that adults deserve their own share of action-packed, thrilling, and humour-infused adventures, Keira tells stories that blend intrigue with spirited storytelling and memorable characters, inviting adults to rediscover the exhilarating adventures they immersed themselves in as children.

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