The Time Hunters by Carl Ashmore – Book Review

The Time Hunters by Carl Ashmore – Book Review

The Time Hunters by Carl Ashmore

The Time Hunters
The Time Hunters Saga Book One

Author – Carl Ashmore
Publisher – Addlebury Press
Pages – 278
Released – 23rd March 2012
ISBN-13 – 978-0956859501
Format – ebook, paperback, audio
Reviewer – Pravnav
Rating – 5 Stars
I received a free copy of this book
Post contains affiliate links.


Becky is a typical thirteen year old girl. She likes Facebook, animals and plenty of sleep. So when she and her brother Joe are invited to stay with their ‘loony’ Uncle Percy at his stately home, the mysterious Bowen Hall, she thinks it’ll be the worst summer ever.

What she doesn’t realise is that Bowen Hall is also home to a baby Triceratops, two Sabre-tooth tigers and the mythic hero, Will Scarlet… ‘The Time Hunters’ is a thrilling adventure that takes Becky, Joe, Uncle Percy and Will on a quest through time to find the legendary Golden Fleece. The Clock is ticking….

New one review witch 2017

‘Time Hunters’ is one of those books that takes up the exciting, yet not-so-used genre of time-travel and comes out triumphs.

I found the book to be very easy going and the storyline smooth. The presence of grey characters and shady plots is commendable and it’ll take you to put your Sherlock detective mode on to guess what will be happening next.

The story mainly revolves around Becky, her brother Joe and the adventures that follow them in the due course of time (pun intended). The novel is well-researched and the presence of known figures, creatures and artifacts throughout the book will make you connect easily.

Since this is a part of series, the climax ends well on cliffhanger and makes sure you want to grab on to the next part ASAP! Though it can be argued as a children’s book, I completely enjoyed reading it and strongly feel it’ll cater to all demographics.

Reviewed by Pranav

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About the Author

Carl Ashmore

I’m an independent author and am perhaps best known for my ‘Time Hunters’ series. I wrote the first draft of ‘The Time Hunters’ in 2006 when I took a year’s sabbatical to live in the South West of France.

I’m delighted with the success ‘The Time Hunters’ series has received. Not only has the series sold over a hundred thousands of copies on Kindle/paperback across the UK and the USA, but the reviews have been overwhelming.

I am currently writing a new novel entitled ‘Zak Fisher and the Angel Prophecy.’

I live in Crewe, England, with my partner, Lisa , my daughter, Alice, and my son, Will.

I also like Naan breads, blob fish and chives.

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14 Responses

  1. jennifer gaarder says:

    Sounds interesting

  2. Christina says:

    I’m reading The Psychology of Time Travel right now and there really aren’t a lot of books in genre!! Wonderful post!!

  3. That cover is going to give me nightmares! I can’t get passed it ??

  4. DJ Sakata says:

    Excellent review – I enjoy your style

  5. Finitha Jose says:

    How I wish there were no cliffhangers 🙁
    Now I will have to wait till this series get finished

  6. Great review!

  7. I love reading Middle Grade/Young Adult and this one sounds good to me.

  8. That sounds like a great book. Agree not many Time Travel books out there these days.

  9. I think you would enjoy it. Give it a go.

  10. Cliff hangers are bad unless the next book has already been released.

  11. Awe, the book is really good though.