Underneath the Christmas Tree by Heidi Swain – Book Review

Underneath the Christmas Tree by Heidi Swain – Book Review

Underneath the Christmas Tree by heidi Swain

Underneath the Christmas Tree

Author – Heidi Swain
Publisher – Simon & Schuster UK
Pages – 432
Released – 28th October 2021
ISBN-13 – 978-1471195846
Format – ebook, paperback, audio
Rating – 5 Stars
I received a free copy of this book.
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Wynter’s Trees is the home of Christmas. For the people of Wynmouth it’s where they get their family Christmas tree, and where Christmas truly comes to life.

But for Liza Wynter, it’s a millstone around her neck. It was her father’s pride and joy but now he’s gone, she can’t have anything to do with it. Until her father’s business partner decides to retire and she must go back to handle the transition to his son Ned.

When Liza arrives, she discovers a much-loved business that’s flourishing under Ned’s stewardship. And she’s happy to stay and help for the Christmas season, but then she has other plans. But will the place where she grew up make her change her mind? And can it weave its Christmas cheer around her heart…?

Review by Stacey

What a delightful and festive book Underneath the Christmas Tree is. I loved everything about it. From its eye-catching cover to its captivating plot, and its spectacular setting. This story had everything you could want in a Christmas read. Grab yourself a copy, a blanket, and a mug of hot chocolate, and be prepared to be sucked into this heart-warming scenic story.

Author Heidi Swain has written another masterpiece as she carefully unravels the life of Liza Wynter who has been avoiding the business she is a co-owner of since her dad died a few years ago. Now though she can’t put off being back at Wynter’s Trees in Norfolk any longer as the other shareholder has announced his retirement and he needs her to appear in person so that he can sign over his share of the business to his son Edward (Ned).

Liza is a very head-strong young woman, also quite stubborn and set in her ways, but her upbringing and a move to Norfolk as a teenager made her resentful of the place and her father. When she sees Wynter Trees it isn’t happy nostalgic thoughts that she has, but sad memories, ones she would love to run and hide from, forever.

Ned is a caring soul, He has a passion for growing the trees and the business and would really love to teach Liza to fall in love with the business and stay as a partner. He also has an adorable Husky.

This is a gorgeous story filled with beautiful characters. It is just what you need in the run-up to Christmas as it has plenty of festive cheer and a touch of romance to top it off.

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Author Info

Heidi Swain image 2021 Underneath the Christmas Tree

Although passionate about writing from an early age, Heidi Swain gained a degree in Literature, flirted briefly with a newspaper career, married and had two children before she finally plucked up the courage to join a creative writing class and take her literary ambitions seriously.

A lover of Galaxy bars, vintage paraphernalia and the odd bottle of fizz, she now writes contemporary fiction and enjoys the company of a whole host of feisty female characters.

Heidi can be found at the keyboard at all hours of the day and night and quite often scribbling longhand in her car during her lunch break. She lives in stunning south Norfolk with her wonderful son and daughter and a mischievous cat called Storm.

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2 Responses

  1. DJ Sakata says:

    This looks like a treat to start off the holiday season reading.

  2. Thanks DJ. It is the perfect start.