The Weight of Shadows by Karl Holton – Book Review

The Weight of Shadows by Karl Holton – Book Review

The Weight of Shadows by Karl Horton

The Weight of Shadows
Shadow Series Book One

Author – Karl Holton
Publisher – Thuja Publishing
Pages – 374
Released – 26th July 2017
ISBN-13 – 978-0995785502
Format – ebook, paperback
Reviewer – Clive
Rating – 4 Stars
I received a free copy of this book
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When you have spent your life in the shadows, what would you do at the dying of the light?

Three years ago the best murder detective in London is blamed for the death of his colleague and kicked out of the Met. A man with secrets buried in the past and present returns to London, the city that started the mysterious career which made him a billionaire. The two need each other. But they have no idea how much.

A gripping crime thriller mystery with twists from the beginning to end.

New one review witch 2017

Karl Holton is clearly not a man to deal in half measures. While writing The Weight of Shadows he appears to have thrown in everything imaginable for a London based contemporary crime novel.

The cast of characters is enormous and at the start of the book we met a new set of apparently unrelated people in each chapter.  This was not much of a problem because the passages are headed up and I was confident that it would all come together in the end which it did with aplomb.

The story moved at a pace and at no time did I find it tedious. The author kept the action and the intrigue moving throughout.

I was worried by the gory descriptions of some of the crime scenes. I know from the media that such unwarranted violence occurs in real life but I think that some readers would be deterred, particularly by the scene in the prologue which was only loosely related to the rest of the story. No doubt Karl thought this would help draw in more readers but I believe it could put off just as many.

At the end the various characters and storylines come together very nicely and we are given a suggestion of a new team for future stories. The author also teases us with a question, encouraging us to re-read the book to discover the answer.

I have tempered my grading to four stars because of the gruesomeness but The Weight of Shadows is worth reading and I look forward to more from Karl Holton in the near future.

Reviewed by Clive

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About the Author

Karl Holton

My name is Karl Holton and I started writing in February 2017.

I’m an indie author and self published my first book, ‘The Weight of Shadows’ in July 2017. This was the first in a series of books in the crime thriller genre, known as the ‘Shadow Series’. The second book in the series, ‘The Wait for Shadows’ came out in December 2017.

I worked in the financial markets for over thirty years. I decided to follow my dream of writing the stories that I’ve carried around inside my head for many years.

I live in Surrey, England with my wife and two children.

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The Weight of Shadows by Karl Holton

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15 Responses

  1. Great review. I’m not too keen on too much gore either.

  2. Stephanie says:

    Sounds interesting, I haven’t read many crime thrillers even though I enjoy TV shows of the same genre. Perhaps I should start reading something like this ?.

  3. Randi says:

    Awesome review. Not my usual type of book but I just might take note of it for the rare time when I want to read about a grusome murder.

  4. DJ Sakata says:

    I like a storyline with twists and turns in a thriller but not a lot of gore. Sounds like it might be worth it though

  5. Stunning review lovely! <3

  6. Twists and Turns are a must in a thriller. They make a book.

  7. norees says:

    wonderful review! I love your layout

  8. Nikki says:

    I enjoy thrillers and will check this out!

  9. Thanks. Over the last three years there have been many layouts, and most likely different ones in the future if I know me!!

  10. Pon says:

    Seems an interesting read! let me add to my to-read list :). Thank you for the nice and crisp review.

  11. Stormi says:

    I love a good crime thriller! Excellent review.

  12. Great review. I never heard about this book until now. And now I am really intrigued and curious about it. The book looks and sounds absolutely amazing and right up my alley, thank you so much for sharing and putting this book on my radar.

  13. Heidi says:

    Sounds like an intriguing book! Great review. 🙂

  14. Megan @ Ginger Mom says:

    Sounds great and I love that he is an Indie author 🙂

  15. Terri A. Wilson says:

    Gruesomeness when not used for shock value doesn’t seem to bother me.